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There stands Alexnader Hamilton, knuckles white from gripping his pistol, his eyes locked on Aaron Burr, his opponent. He knows that he is in the same spot where his son perished three years earlier, in an attempt to defend his father's honor. Hamilton decided to fire in the air, though Burr shot for him, and he died the next day due to a bullet wound in his stomach. An exciting and sad ending to a life that was truly notable. 

I have been researching Hamilton for the past months, and I have learnt many facts about this amazing character. I Have used many different sources, so that I have a variety of knowledge and also to make sure that the information is true. For instance, I have used, also known as the history channel, but although it doesn’t say the author’s name, yet it has been edited by Amanda Onion, Missy Sullivan and Matt Mullen, and or others. I have also used other websites such as constitution daily, goodreads, and even the Hamilton musical, though I have also researched their facts on my own, as some are a bit exaggerated, but all these sources have greatly aided me in my journey to learning how Hamilton is notable. 

Although Hamilton gained lots of fame and respect, his life was not always so cruisy. He grew up in the impoverished country of Saint Kitts and Nevis. When he was still very young, his father left the family when Hamilton was only 11 years old. Approximately two years later, his mother passed away after she contracted a deadly case of yellow fever. Although he managed to find a roof over his head, it was not always the same one, and he had to fend for himself, something which he managed to do very well. Hamilton started working as a store clerk for Beekman and Cruger an import and export company, which traded supplies in both New England and New York. One of the greatest influences on Hamiltons life came when a hurricane ravaged his town, so Hamilton decided to write to his father, who had left the family the, but before sending it the young teenager gave it to a Princeton Master who had taken him under his wing, and the master decided to send this letter to a Danish newspaper, who accepted and put it in their paper, and then the people in Hamilton's town raised money to send Hamilton to America for an education. He made his whole country proud, and a couple hundred dollars was all it took. 

What Hamilton wished for the most, was glory on the battlefield, something that he achieved in his early years. 

Alexander Hamilton was working for his whole life, never stopping to fight in what he believed in. Even when he died, he was fighting for what he believed in, a different way of thinking compared to Burr. He worked very hard in his life, when he was at the top, but he it was actually a mixture of luck and hard work that got him into the top. If the hurricane had not struck his town and he had written about it, he would not make it to America, where he got his fame, but there is a possibility he would have gone to America anyway, yet the Hurricane was very helpful.  

Even though Hamilton had quite a large family, he was not always there for his children in his earlier years, and usually was not able to join them on holiday, though later in his life he would mostly work and write letters from home, allowing him to help his children grow up, before he died, and his children turned out to be quite successful. 

Hamilton completed many extreme achievements in his life, in the court, the battlefield or political arena. After his great commanding in the New York Provincial Company of Artillery, Alexander Hamilton came to the attention of some of the highest ranking officers that were in the continental army. The offer that he accepted was from George Washington, and he became the aid to Wahington, as the lieutenant colonel. He served in the position for years, dealing mostly with any type of negotiations.  

Hamilton contributed greatly to the federalist papers, writing 51 out of the 85 essays that were published. The papers have been called “the most important work in political science that ever has been written, or is likely ever to be written, in the United States.” Hamilton also created the U.S Coast guard, which was used at first, to make sure ships weren't illegally smuggling goods, without paying the taxes to do so. Now, the coast guard is used to make sure that people are safe on the water, and go in to save people in danger. 

Hamilton had a personality where he did not usually give up, even if he took a break from something. He seemed like a firm but fair character, and he always worked to get what he wanted, which was sometimes damaging to his family. 

Alexander Hamilton has greatly inspired me, to fight for what I believe in, and to choose your priorities, and stay to them. ‘Those who stand for nothing fall for nothing'. I believe that Hamilton really has influenced people's lives for the better, and he is a real inspiration to me, because I have learnt to always stand up for what you believe is right. 

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