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Who am I? 

He was born far away from where he lies today, a place that goes by the name of st kits and Nevis and considers 1967 an Independence Day. 

His father was left the family, and while his mother was crying, he was flying. 

His brother was called James, but he was not the one who claimed fame, and while James was apprenticing with a carpenter, the youth was given a roof, which is where it all began. 

A hurricane brought an onslaught of pain, but when Hamilton described it on came fame! 

He went to America and joined the hearts of oak, where he became a highly respected bloke, and helped take out British cannons, which helped the end of some soldier's famine. 

More than once, he saw a soldier die in a ravine, though was calm and for many battles, he was named as the captain of a military team. 

He met his wife, with whom he’d be until the end of his life, though sometimes his integrity was something that she would question, but that doubt was something that was part of his digestion. 

He was constantly quarrelling with a fellow lawyer, until he was confronted in the foyer, where they agreed to a duel, which was how his life came to an end, it was very cruel. 

He was not the only member who died in a duel, his son Phil died in  the same hill and their grave was dual. 


You all know who I'm talking about, he's not being pushed out, its Hamilton! 

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